On Wednesday I was given feedback on my progress so far within the course and my targets which I wrote down to improve on within this project were:
- Viewing the Production Guidelines within Chichester Online to organise my folder.
- Using Media Books to gain an insight into the factors within the media and to help me in understanding the Unique Selling Point of my DVD Menu which will be included in my Proposal, this way I am able to explain why my DVD Menu is original and unique.
- Use more media within my Blog, media such as Youtube Videos, related to media and these could include for example Photoshop Tutorials, as this would then link into what I have been learning and the skills which I may have gained by using tutorials on the Internet.
I was given feedback on my DVD Menu so far and I have responded to the feedback which was given to me and this feedback included that I need to represent my DVD Menu so the Genre is clearly shown. Also the background images within my DVD Menu needed to be less, as they were taking the attention away from the main image. I have responded to this feedback and I have been able to edit my DVD Menu Pages and the ways in which I have edited these pages is by using an effect on the background, which takes the image away a bit and therefore the attention is now focused on the images within the DVD Menu Page. I have also changed the font which is featured on the DVD Menu, the reason why I changed the font is because I believed that as I had changed the background image slightly the font which I have now chosen shows an original side and unique side to the DVD Menu and now strongly suggests the genre of Drama.
This image below is one of my DVD Menu Pages and this is one of the pages which I edited in response to feedback, I believe that this image now relates and represents the genre of Drama, I haven't changed the images which I have used on this page but I have edited the background so that it is a bit more neutral and lighter and therefore the image stands out from the back clearer.
The text: I have changed the text on this page and this is the text which is used throughout many of the other pages, this text I feel blends in well with the DVD Menu Page and also the Genre as this text shows the originality of the genre and the DVD Menu itself.
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Special Features Menu |
Below shows one of my two Scene Selection Pages and I have chosen to create a similar style background effect within this menu page and I have used the same effect and this therefore lets the images within the menu stand out and the images are clearer.
The Text: This is the same text which is used on the other Menu Pages, such as the Special Features Menu, this shows the fluidity throughout the DVD Menu and shows how this DVD Menu is 'one', so therefore the pages are linked by the features such as the style of font.
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Scene Selection Page 2 |
Also through the feedback which I was given I have reconsidered the Animation which I am using in my DVD Menu, I am now having one main animation within the Main Menu and this will be Handbags falling on a loop of about 3 times and this therefore shows the theme of fashion and also emphasises the theme and narrative of the DVD Menu. Therefore I now need to import my response to feedback DVD Menu Pages into Encore and add the animation to them, and as the codes are all correct within the Photoshop Images of the DVD Menu Pages I can easily import the new pages into Encore and link the pages together for the DVD Menu to work correctly.
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Audio Setup Menu |
This image below shows my Main Menu, I have kept the same features within this menu but I have changed the opacity of the background image, as before to me the menu was too bright and as I have increased the opacity the menu is not as bright and still reflects and shows the genre of Drama. I have also included the main animation within this Main Menu and this is handbags falling on a loop of 3 and then piling at the bottom of the menu and this will be seen when you are firstly on the Main Menu page, this links in with the theme of fashion and adds a nice effect to the main menu and therefore people can get an idea of what the film (DVD Menu) is about.
I now need to link the DVD Menu Pages together within Encore and add the animation to the main menu.
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Main Menu |
Overall, through my Feedback I believe that I have responded to the feedback in editing my DVD Menu Pages to help make them suggest the genre of Drama stronger and I am now happy with the new menu pages, I will also continue to respond to the other points mentioned at the top of this post.
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